Monday, November 17, 2008


Do you know how it feels to lose the person who brought you into the world, the person responsible for your very existence? The person who taught you to talk, who taught you to walk, who taught you to pray, who taught you to play, who kept you alive so you can see today. There’s his picture in the prayer room, it brings me to tears. So I avoid looking into the room to escape his smiling face. But then I look into the mirror and I see him again. So I close my eyes and walk away.

He is on my mind when I lie alone in bed, because sis sleeps beside mum now. So I give my teddy a tight hug and cry myself to sleep. I don’t want to get out of bed in the morning, but there’s work to be done, bills to be paid. So I walk down to the living room, my tea sits ready. As I sit sipping my tea, dreams from last night flash in my head. I dreamt of him again. Mum and sis come and sit for a while, we share a moment. Then mum asks me to go get ready, lest I miss my bus.
So I go into the shower, shed a few tears, then compose myself and wear my happy mask. Its time to go to the big masquerade ball called life. As all three of us leave for work, I notice the perfectly fitted masks on mum and sis’s faces as well. All set, its show time.

1 comment:

  1. Hey... now i get to know the story behind that tattoo...hang on.


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