Monday, February 16, 2009

10 things I learnt during my college lectures

1. I can sleep with my eyes open

2. I have great eye to head co-ordination — even though I haven't been listening to a single word the lecturer has been yaking, I can still manage to nod when he/she looks my way.

3. I can manage to look extremely serious and attentive even while I'm replaying yesterday's episode of Simpsons in my head.

4. I can yawn with my mouth shut and eyes wide open, and no one will even know it.

5. I can plan and live my entire future—husband, kids and the works—just in those 2 hours of Karl Marx talk.

6. I start getting interested in the lecture or the concepts start to make sense exactly 5 minutes before the lecture is to wind up.

7. Suddenly the superhuman powers—invisibility, flying, etc—that I used to find extremely silly become extremely desirable.

8. Time stands still during a political science lecture.

9. Long awaited phone calls only come after you are 15 minutes into a 3 hour long lecture .. irony is a biatch !

10. My book has more meaningless drawings, caricatures and personal messages exchanged between classmates than actual study material.


*sigh* how I miss college.   


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Life's like that - i

Pushing and shoving my way up the stairs of the Kurla station foot bridge during the morning rush hour, I envy the bum sitting on the asbestos roof of the platform, watching the crazy herd of money hungry animals on their way to earn their daily bread. Another day, another dollar they say. But I envy the bum. He's watching us, with a mocking smile on his face with the morning sun warming his bare back and the rushing trains cooling it. I know where my next meal will come from, and I have to make sure it keeps coming. Does he know about his? He might have to beg or borrow or steal, I don't think it really plagues his mind too much. I don't think he has a choice. It must be nice to not have alternatives sometimes, or to have your choice made for you. I envy the bum.