Sometimes I just feel like life is passing me by and I am not doing anything about it. Just sitting and watching as it goes along, adding age to my life, making me 'too old for this and too old for that'. I realize in life you have to work really hard, climb up the ladder, make something of yourself, but if you spend your whole life doing that, when exactly do you enjoy its fruits? I don't care what I'll want when I am 60, I don't know if I'll survive to see 30, I'm 22 so please let me be 22!I want to go bungee jumping, I want to climb up that mountain, tire myself out to the core getting up there and then sit and relish its rewards. I know there is no such thing as a free lunch in life; you have to work for everything. I don't come from an affluent family, never got anything too easily and I'm already contributing to my family income hence quitting my job and enjoying my life is certainly not an option.I hear people telling me how important it is to work hard right now, learn new things so you have a secured future. To hell with that, I don't live in the future. I don't know what I'm going to be doing tomorrow so I sure as hell don't care where I'll be 30 yrs down the line. I can always make more money, but I'll never get my age back.So now is the time to do stuff, act crazy not weigh the pros and cons. Before long, I'll b of 'marriageable age' and parents will start hunting for the 'eligible bachelor', now that's a whole different discussion but my point is, I still have a couple of years before that happens and I want to make the most of it. My life is mine and no one else's, it never was, it never will be, and I am responsible for every second of it. Nothing I ever did will be attributed to anybody else. My merits are mine, I earned them, my demerits are mine because I earned them too. I made my mistakes and take full responsibility for it, and I regret nothing, NOTHING.I want to live my life such that I have enough memories that I can fondly look back on when I am old, because then, that'll probably the only thing keeping you going. I dont want to grow old and regret not having done something I really wanted when I had the time and now it is too late. I want to have fun tales to narrate to my grandchildren so I can tell them that life was a lot of fun even in their grandmother's times. People say I am a little crazy, they're right. And it is that little craziness thats making life a whole lotta fun !
its a nice post...