Now, I don't know if this is a natural and common phenomenon, but at least in my case, I have to make myself 'consciously happy' by telling myself happiness quotes that I read somewhere or even optimistic songs like 'Raindrops keep falling on my head'. My mind needs to be 'told' to be happy, it never does it need to be told to be sad.
Why is this the case? How pathetic and depressed are we? Why is the mind such a sadist which readily lets in the demons while the angels need invitation? And you know whats the other thing I've noticed? Happiness and positivity deserts you right when you need it the most. Another frustrating irony of life. I sit down to study one of my most hated subjects and I need my optimism now more than ever. But that's exactly when out of nowhere my long forgotten or consciously suppressed demons from the past come haunting.
But you know whats the best part. The sooner you realize this irony, the sooner you will be armed to fight it. Acceptance is the answer. Don't question it, don't fight it, just accept it as one of those innumerous things you are defenseless against. Then, it will become a part of you, a part of your life and would cease to bother you.
Now, every time the demons come at exactly a moment when they are most unwelcome, it makes me laugh. The whole deal has become amusing now, so very predictable. An enemy isn't so threatening anymore when you know its next move. The surprise element is lost. More power to me! Life is beautiful again! :D
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