Will I live to see old age?
Is life fair?
Does everything really happen for the best?
Do we always get what we deserve?
Do good things happen to good people or vice versa?
Is karma repaid in this birth or the next?
Is there a fourth dimension?
Do souls survive or get reborn with new flesh?
Do we really have souls?
Is that the voice in our head?
How come it says means things and gives evil directions at times?
Why is water transparent?
How come fishes sleep with their eyes open and horses standing up?
Why is grey depressing?
Where does the sky end?
What lies beyond it?
Is it true that when you are thinking of a person, he/she is thinking of you too?
Who invented religion?
How come one religion has so many gods?
What existed before the gods were born?
Was the world a happier place?
Why is there so much misery?
How can a god die?
Is the Earth going to die?
Will the sun swallow it in its supernova?
They say the world used to be a bigger place, really?
What happened?
Why do we yawn?
Why do we dream?
Why so many wants?
Do roaches sleep?
Does that rhyme?
Why do they say ‘it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread’?
What’s so great about sliced bread?
Was that a draft or did a spirit just touch me?
What did Koena Mitra look like before all the plastic surgeries?
Does Himesh have a big bald patch on the top of his head?
Is Ram Gopal Verma out of his mind?
Is Raj Thakarey a coward?
Am I losing direction?
Should I shut up now?