Monday, December 07, 2009
There's the optimist, there's the pessimist, and then there's the third kind
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Every night
Quietly I spy from the shadows
Lives inside those brightly lit windows
Happy families, complete families.
I draw my curtains
To hide my own incompleteness
To keep the spying eyes from the bright windows
From peering into my dark ugliness ..
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The time they told me the truth about Santa Claus
Growing up to me isn’t passing out of school, or growing a beard or consuming alcohol or starting to date, etc as popular belief goes. Growing up to me is wondering if I’m too old for that kitten T shirt. Growing up is for the first time worrying how that butterfly tattoo on the back will look in a sari. Growing up is watching your best friend get engaged and wondering if you’ve missed the bus. Growing up is for the very first time wondering if being a rebel without a cause is a stupid thing after all. Growing up is watching a cousin you’ve grown up with, get married and move overseas and wondering to yourself if you wasted all those years being self involved instead of spending it together. Growing up is watching people pursue what they believe in and wondering, whatever happened to my beliefs?
Growing up is wondering if you should’ve been more involved in sports when you had the chance. Growing up is rethinking the choices you’ve made. When you are young, you just assume that mid-life/old age will never happen to you and you make all sorts of rash decisions at the spur of the moment, completely ignoring its long-term repercussions. Growing up is that stage in your life when you have no one but yourself to blame for not grabbing life by the throat when you could. It’s when you realise that life is not kind. Infact, she is one hell of a b***h, robbing you of your youth and zest every minute that you weren’t paying attention. And those minutes amount to a few billion.
Sometimes growing up is also supported by certain external elements, for eg, my family keeps screaming into my ears night and day to stop acting like a child and ‘grow up’. Your face starts reflecting hints of maturity and age and you wonder where your innocence went. Well, the b****h killed her too, in one of those few billion moments. You pile on 2 kgs and find it just impossible to lose. Stomach crunches give you back ache and you hear mum snigger and say, “Chinnu, your bones are not so young anymore, better take more calcium”. So you do what you never did in 23 years of your life, become nutrition conscious.
Growing up is when you have 3 day weekends and no particular plans. Growing up is when friends are not just a phone call away because they are working shifts or overseas or married. Growing up is not finding the butterfly pendant in the Airtel ad cute that your 18 year old cousin does. Growing up is thinking ‘What the hell was I thinking buying camouflage pants’. Growing up is disposing off even your favourite clothes because you finally accept that you will never be thin enough to fit into it. Growing up is when full volume on your headphones hurt your ears. Growing up is accepting that you are not as brave and strong as the front you put up.
Growing up is checking out the incredibly cute new recruit and realizing to your disappointment that he is probably a couple of years younger to you. Growing up is when eye candy seems plain silly. Growing up is finally realizing that being nocturnal is not normal. It is realizing how important 7-8 hours of sleep is to be fully functional during an 8 hour day shift.
I spend most of my waking hours just wondering at this transformation. Standing at the crossroad of life, wondering which way to turn, wondering if I’ve missed my exit a long way back. Key word – wondering. You are just constantly wondering at this not-so-wonderful and completely sudden phase of life.
I’m sure there are plenty of good features about ‘growing up’ too. But I just can’t think of too many right now. Let’s see.
Growing up is being able to pay for that upcoming mountain biking trip J. Growing up means being able to forgive and forget all those times when you thought your heart was beyond repair. Growing up is giving your mum a hug and saying sorry for being so difficult to deal with. Growing up means valuing your family enough to avoid using the word ‘tequila’ on Facebook because it angered them the last time you did.
There’s got to be a lot more positives to growing up, and maybe I’ll jot them down as and when I find them. I also believe life will be awfully easier and smooth sailing once I learn to accept this inevitable stage as a part of life. But then the transition phase is just so difficult, feels like all the foundation of what makes me who I am has been shaken. Then again, if the foundation can be shaken so easily, it probably wasn’t so strong to begin with, huh?
It is time for introspection. It is time for acceptance. It is time to welcome maturity and bid farewell to childish innocence and watch it walk into the sunset. Life does not end here; it is merely the end of an era and the beginning of another. I’m sure the b****h has a lot more antics up her sleeve for the coming years.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Ugly lil me
8 month death anniversay of daddy .. I'm picking at the scabs again ..
Friday, May 08, 2009
Creatures of the dark
Quiet, dark blanket of sky
Soft, stealthy clouds
Patchy, faded, white crescent
Swift sudden breeze
Clanking, rolling tin can
Swaying red curtain
Brief peek into hidden worlds
Lazy mongrel footsteps
Another chilly draft
Fastening blanket around a bare body
Loud shutting of wobbly windows
Winking stars, sleepy night
Shifting foliage, like soft whispers
Glowing candles among the marshes
Fireflies in the dark
Dancing shadows form grotesque shapes
The wind carries clandestine messages
A faint howl travels across space
As the hour surrenders to the ‘other world’
Your flame, is going mellow
Like the oils on a portrait,
Slowly fading away.
All the memories, I painted
All the pictures – they’re all tainted
The dry roses preserved in pages,
Slowly crumble away.
Your face, once so vivid
Your voice – now loud, now timid
The snapshots stuck in plastic,
Yellowing with time.
All your dreams, never written
All your clothes, now moth-eaten
Packed and sealed, wait in a corner
For a destination unknown.
The letters keep falling off your name plate
Life keeps offering a clean slate
But with every step that I take
I turn to watch you go deeper into the dark.
Until one day, it’ll all fade to black
Until one day, I’ll forget what I lack
But I don’t want to learn to live without,
Don’t want to stop missing.
Friday, April 10, 2009

I finally got another tattoo made about two weeks ago.
It says Achhan (meaning dad in Malayalam). I got it on dad’s birthday on April 8 on the inside of my right wrist.
The ‘A’ of Achhan is a little girl with short hair tat stands up at the edges. That’s exactly how I used to look when I was a little girl.
My sister said that the tattoo will look immature on me when I turn 50. But mummy said even if I turn a 100, I’ll still be daddy’s little girl. That point really hit home, and I had to get that design.
I can sit and stare at that little imprint on me hand all day long. And I think, even when I turn grey and old, the little girl on the tattoo will not have a single strand of grey hair. Forever daddy’s little girl. :')
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Ramblings of ma mind
Everytime I see somebody’s lace undone, I get this incredible urge to step on it and trip the person. I’ve even tried that a couple of times but the would be victim was wearing his lucky colours or something I suppose :P
When I pass by a large plot of unutilized land, I wonder why a perfectly good piece of plot is lying vacant instead of being put to some commercial use. Then out of nowhere, I recall how some 15 years ago, every large open land meant nothing but a large playground, to explore, to dig up and to get soiled in.
As I walk past a butcher shop, I see two little goat babies tied outside. The little furry black one looks up at me with his big brown eyes and silly as it is, I can’t meet his eyes in the face of what my species is doing to his.
It happens only in Indyeah:
I was on the phone with a friend recently when she abruptly said “Ok, I gotta hang up, there’s an elephant coming”
And I go, “Huh? Whuh?”
So she repeats, a little irritated, “I have to hang up Shwetz, there’s an elephant coming my way.”
Me: “Ele .. hahhahahahah”. The line goes dead. “Hahahhaha”
Paapi pet da sawaal:
On a vast stretch of the Arabian Sea, far off, I see a tiny speck. It’s a fisherman floating on a cast off truck tyre. Just looking at him in the middle of nowhere on the flimsy piece of rubber gives me the shivers. But I guess trials are part and parcel to every person’s daily bread winning. Such is life.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Just once more
You reminisce so much that when reality strikes, it almost feels like all that you had, all that you shared in the past is all just a figment of your imagination. It was all a mirage, your fantasy, a non-existent world. That kind of happiness couldn’t possibly exist.
So then you rummage through your old belongings, small nondescript mementos, like bits of paper with scribbles in that unmistakable hand, documents with that stylish inimitable signature. You flip through photo albums, looking for proof, looking for reassurance, looking for pain, or a balm for it. And there they are, those freckles, that toothy or rather toothless smile, that thick lush hair. *sigh*. It all did happen after all, but is now forever lost in the sands of time. So then, once again, its time to lock away all those memories, and pretend it was all a dream, or that this is a nightmare, soon to end. But if only, you could have just one more chance …
Monday, February 16, 2009
10 things I learnt during my college lectures
1. I can sleep with my eyes open
2. I have great eye to head co-ordination — even though I haven't been listening to a single word the lecturer has been yaking, I can still manage to nod when he/she looks my way.
3. I can manage to look extremely serious and attentive even while I'm replaying yesterday's episode of Simpsons in my head.
4. I can yawn with my mouth shut and eyes wide open, and no one will even know it.
5. I can plan and live my entire future—husband, kids and the works—just in those 2 hours of Karl Marx talk.
6. I start getting interested in the lecture or the concepts start to make sense exactly 5 minutes before the lecture is to wind up.
7. Suddenly the superhuman powers—invisibility, flying, etc—that I used to find extremely silly become extremely desirable.
8. Time stands still during a political science lecture.
9. Long awaited phone calls only come after you are 15 minutes into a 3 hour long lecture .. irony is a biatch !
10. My book has more meaningless drawings, caricatures and personal messages exchanged between classmates than actual study material.
*sigh* how I miss college.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Life's like that - i
Monday, January 26, 2009
Noisy lil devil's workshop ;)
Will I live to see old age?
Is life fair?
Does everything really happen for the best?
Do we always get what we deserve?
Do good things happen to good people or vice versa?
Is karma repaid in this birth or the next?
Is there a fourth dimension?
Do souls survive or get reborn with new flesh?
Do we really have souls?
Is that the voice in our head?
How come it says means things and gives evil directions at times?
Why is water transparent?
How come fishes sleep with their eyes open and horses standing up?
Why is grey depressing?
Where does the sky end?
What lies beyond it?
Is it true that when you are thinking of a person, he/she is thinking of you too?
Who invented religion?
How come one religion has so many gods?
What existed before the gods were born?
Was the world a happier place?
Why is there so much misery?
How can a god die?
Is the Earth going to die?
Will the sun swallow it in its supernova?
They say the world used to be a bigger place, really?
What happened?
Why do we yawn?
Why do we dream?
Why so many wants?
Do roaches sleep?
Does that rhyme?
Why do they say ‘it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread’?
What’s so great about sliced bread?
Was that a draft or did a spirit just touch me?
What did Koena Mitra look like before all the plastic surgeries?
Does Himesh have a big bald patch on the top of his head?
Is Ram Gopal Verma out of his mind?
Is Raj Thakarey a coward?
Am I losing direction?
Should I shut up now?
Friday, January 16, 2009
Pedalling the cycle of life
A fortnight after the year has ended, its time for a performance review of 2008. If I had to describe the year in one word, that word would be 'HELL'. 2008 has really pushed me to the edge. It has tested my patience, my emotions, my sanity. This year I saw it all. I flunked for the very first time in my life – flunked my MA exams. I lost my dog who was my baby since the past 14 years and then, when I hadn't even managed to cope with all of that, I lost the most important person in my life – my dad. At the start of the year I took off flying, but then fell flat on my face, then managed to stagger up again, and got knocked down again, then stood up once again and so on and so forth.
It's funny how people say "Oh, you are a really strong person. If I were at your place, I would've lost it long back." I used to say that when I would hear of someone losing a loved one. But you know, it's not as easy. You can't just give up; you can't as easily lose your sanity. Life — the bitch that she is — has to be lived. And while living this bitchy little life, you realize certain inevitable truths of life. Time will keep slipping away like sand through your fingers. Everybody will leave and you will mourn the loss with a crazed passion, until time does what it does best – heals you.
There will be times when even in a room full of people you will be locked up in some dark somber corner of your mind reliving every single painful detail of the miseries in your past, weeping with dry eyes. But there'll also be times when standing at the doorway of a local compartment when the bloodshot full moon has just risen on the horizon, with the wind beating on your face and Chris Martin crooning in your ears, you feel sublime bliss.
There'll be times when being born seems like the worst thing to ever have happened to you. You wouldn't for the life of you want to get out of bed and report for duty. Little tip, if you ever have any hope of getting out of that depression, don't stay in bed, don't stay home. Because, as the saying goes, 'No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.'
People will come, people will leave. Miseries will multiply, good times will arrive. The sun will set every single day, but it will rise again tomorrow. Unlike James Hetfield's words which say 'No one but me can change myself, but it's too late', it's never too late; life is always waiting for you to join the fun. To conclude, I would like to add yet another quote to this highly preachy blog, and it goes, 'I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it' - Rita Mae Brown. J