Saturday, November 29, 2008

When terror strikes ..

This was something I wrote for my college magazine 2 years ago. I hate the fact that 2 years later, it still holds true. Heres hoping that this time around, the aftermath will be a lil diff.

"People killing, people dying, children hurt you hear them crying, can you practice what you preach, and would you turn the other cheek?"

So go the words of The Black Eyed Peas' first single that attained instant success all over the world. Whether the song became popular owing to the bitter truth in its lyrics or simply because of its catchy tune is hard to tell. But the fact remains that man has become the biggest predator to civilization.

India as a nation seems to have become quite immune to the various acts of terrorism that happen practically everyday in some or the other nook and corner of the country. It comes, it devastates, and it disappears, leaving behind harsh memories and incomplete families.

In situations like these, much worse than the horror of the present is the fear of the future. Fear of riots breaking out, best friends becoming worst foes, mass destruction and communal chaos loom large over the country. It’s apparent that basic faith in humanity is staring death in the face.

Political leaders responsible for most of this widespread tension and distrust often act as the silent observers. When terror strikes, they are rudely shaken out of their stupor. Nothing good comes out of that anyway, all they do is come out of their hiding and condemn the heinous crimes committed and announce compensation for the victims and their families; price for one dead family member, Rupees 50 lakhs. Some even go to the extent of declaring state wide or nationwide bandh to condemn the assault, handicapping the entire nation/city and giving an unofficial holiday to people who couldn’t care less.

In the days following a terror attack, security is beefed up in public transports and other public areas, albeit temporarily. Gradually, all is forgotten. Life moves on, slowly but steadily. And then one day, terror strikes again, everything comes to a standstill, and once again, the government is caught unawares. So it seems we are turning the other cheek after all, again and again, and again…

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Yeah I know, the title brought you here. But I aint the least bit sorry that the write up has NOTHING to do with the 'balls' you were thinking of. Its a rather mundane blog actually. Lolzz.


So many times in our lives we cry over very superfluous and completely replaceable things. Things such as a job, an ex-lover or a lost opportunity. All the while taking for granted the most indispensable things in our lives.  It's like the glass ball-rubber ball syndrome that I once read in an email. It goes like this:


"Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them - work, family, health, friends and spirit - and you're keeping all of these in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls - family, health, friends and spirit - are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for balance in your life."


--Brian G. Dyson

President and CEO, Coca-Cola Enterprises during his speech at the Georgia Tech 172nd Commencement Address Sept 6, 1996


Even if today you are at the peak of your career or the front runner in any particular field, a couple of decades down the line, when the applause has died away, the trophies have gathered dust and your fan following has faded into oblivion, the importance of the glass balls will be realized. By then, it would have gotten too late and there'll be nothing left to do but bide time and await judgment day with a heavy heart.


So let's not wait that long, 'cause I sure don't want to show up at St. Peter's with a guilty conscious. He'll send me straight down under (if you know what I mean). Selfish as it is, I'm going to give the glass balls in my life some extra attention and even a hug maybe, and hope to God that the scratches will fade away.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Do you know how it feels to lose the person who brought you into the world, the person responsible for your very existence? The person who taught you to talk, who taught you to walk, who taught you to pray, who taught you to play, who kept you alive so you can see today. There’s his picture in the prayer room, it brings me to tears. So I avoid looking into the room to escape his smiling face. But then I look into the mirror and I see him again. So I close my eyes and walk away.

He is on my mind when I lie alone in bed, because sis sleeps beside mum now. So I give my teddy a tight hug and cry myself to sleep. I don’t want to get out of bed in the morning, but there’s work to be done, bills to be paid. So I walk down to the living room, my tea sits ready. As I sit sipping my tea, dreams from last night flash in my head. I dreamt of him again. Mum and sis come and sit for a while, we share a moment. Then mum asks me to go get ready, lest I miss my bus.
So I go into the shower, shed a few tears, then compose myself and wear my happy mask. Its time to go to the big masquerade ball called life. As all three of us leave for work, I notice the perfectly fitted masks on mum and sis’s faces as well. All set, its show time.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Bury me alive ‘cause I can’t face the sun,
The darkness inside is sucking me in.

And I can’t open my eyes,
I can’t stand my sight.
The days are getting darker
With nowhere to run.

So bury me alive under the clear blue sky,
6 feet below where the mortals lie.

And I shall hold my breath,
Till it all makes sense.
Then I’ll close my eyes
And quietly die.

So bury me alive
And water my grave
Plant a cherry seed
And all the weathers it’ll brave.

And when it grows older
And cherries it’ll bear
When it sways with the wind
I’ll no longer be a slave.

Bury me alive ‘cause I’ve been dead for long
My heart strings no longer stir at the cuckoo’s song.

The sun rise seems dull
The guitar, it weeps
So bury me alive
It would mean no wrong.

Monday, November 03, 2008


"Darkness, sweet darkness. Hello old friend, where have you been?" I asked. "I was waiting to resurface to keep you company when all your happy friends leave", it replied. I'm glad you are back. I've been missing you. Now that you are back, I feel complete; feel like I am home again. This is where I belong; this is where I grew up. Glad I can always return to you.

And when you envelope me, I feel no fear. I feel like a part of you. I dissolve in you. I can be invisible, hide away where no one can see me, judge me, pity me or hate me. In your arms I shall lie and weep away all those pent up tears. Within your embrace I shall scream out my anger and trust you to absorb that awful sound. And then, when all is finally quiet, we shall sit together and silently plot revenge against them all.